
The Book of Birds

«For children and adults, the Book of Birds sets our imagination in motion. It is necessary to teach the children that the world is extraordinary and that they have the power to invent it every day. How does a duck speak when she has something to say? What does an eagle think? Birds teach us to build dreams, to create reality and make us more aware about the world where we want to grow. It is how children learn to believe in themselves. In fact… this exercise is especially valuable for adults.» I.D.

The birds have been made with paper and ribbon.

2016 © Inés Diarte
Format A5 horizontal. Paper 500grs. 32 pages.
Series numbered 30 copies in French, English and Spanish.
12 «origami» designed in residence in the Château de Puisseguin, Bordeaux.
Printing Torreblancas Ediciones Madrid.

Le livre des oiseaux

Le livre des oiseaux

Le livre des oiseauxLe livre des oiseaux pagesQuel est le métier de cet énergumène? Pélican motivé par la justiceLes canards ont-ils des choses à dire? Canard tapageurPeut-on être Roi et se sentir triste? Aigle royal depriméQuel est le sens migratoire de cet oiseau? Oiseau polaireLes oiseaux du ciel vont-ils sur l'eau? Oiseau navigateurPeut-on grandir en dedans de soi-même? Oiseau en recueillementLes oiseaux portent-ils des chapeaux? Oiseau élégant offrant des fleurs